My Process:
Reading the prompt for 100 drawings of a True-False Place that was reflected in our memories, I decided to choose a place that held a lot of significance to me. I chose my childhood apartment and all of the events that occurred during the time that I lived there. Trying to remember the memories to the best of my abilities, I was able to bring most of them to life, however, majority are not completely accurate, thus being ‘true-fake’.
When I started my 100 drawings, I knew I had to carefully plan how many drawings I would do each day to meet the two-week deadline. I tried drawing all of my drawings free-handed with no draft, however, I quickly realized how that effected the quality of my illustrations. For example, when I first drew my oven drawing, I realized how it did not look pleasing and looked very plain. After planning out my drawing a bit more, I was able to redraw the oven to really depict an illustration that reflected my vision.

After working on these drawings for long consecutive hours, I found myself becoming burnt out and unable to come up with more memories to draw. As a result, some of my drawings decreased in quality and it became hard for me to motivate myself, causing me to procrastinate. However, I was able to meet my expectations for completing the assignment. I am proud of all of my drawings. Something that made it feel special was when I showed a few to my mom. After she took a look at them, she also began remembering memories of these events happening. It was a nice bonding moment to reminisce about my childhood with her.
Something surprising I realized when I completed this project was how memories that seemed more significant to me, were more detailed than the ones that were not. This resulted in many of my illustrations feeling like “filler drawings” much like “filler memories” that were more common and universal.
Working on this project, I learned how memories are not accurate. We more so remember the emotions we felt in the moment rather than the actual actions or events themselves, unless they were very memorable. Even so, our memories are never completely fact-based.